Science History About Me

In Brief...

Contact Me

I am a father of two bright and beautiful children and a husband who spends his days in senior management in software production and his late nights in the bio sciences. My life in software began when I was a child of ten and was growing up along with the personal computer industry watching and contributing as names like Microsoft and little known technologies such as ARPAnet evolved into the Internet. After years in engineering, I moved into management/engineering hybrid role common in software houses and then into pure management roles. Whether products, projects, or departments, the best in management is for me; creating a happy work life for both those I work with and the clients and customers we all work to serve.

My Bio

A brief narrative of my professional career starting at 16.

My Resume

The standard form.

My Project Management Process

A work in progress.

My Professional Philosophy

Software to improve work life and the bottom line without ignoring the lives of those who build it.

My Ventures

From Voice Over IP to Social Media